On temporary leave from a mental institution, our bi-polar hero is frantic to reconcile with his ex, but his parents, who have signed for custody and are on the hook for his behavior, are understandably worried. Particularly when he seems to be interacting with a troubled young widow who is no more predictable than he.
In this engaging dramedy, we see a plot painted with broad strokes, but delivered by a cast capable of great skill and subtlety:
It is disconcerting to see a person deliberately refuse his medications, so I had a lot of misgivings about a movie that seems to endorse that behavior. On the other hand, we could see that the ADD apple didn't fall very far from the tree. I can only say that our hero's mother deserves to have her ample chest covered with medals!
In this R-rated film, expect lots of profanity, a glimpse of (maybe) nudity, no sweaty bodies, no gunshots and no blowie uppie stuff (except tempers, e.g., watch our hero when he finishes Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms!). Also expect to have people to root for, and an improbable bet that features a point spread.
Let me add that this movie includes the most memorable "lift" since "Dirty Dancing."
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