Writer/Director Wes Anderson ("Fantastic Mr. Fox") is at it again. I find this movie far more accessible than some of his previous films ("The Darjeeling Limited") so I'm happy. Inspired by the work of Stefan Zweig ("Letter From an Unknown Woman"), this is a goofy feat of R-rated filmmaking.
We follow the (mis)adventures of a legendary concierge in a legendary hotel at a time when a legendary war threatens the borders of this legendary country. I can't recall a recent film that tickled so many of my funny bones: from the amazing production design (both interior AND exterior); the machine-gun dialogue and tongue-in-cheek humor; to a demonstration of the camaraderie and resourcefulness of hotel concierges; plus, for movie fans, one famous face after another.
We spot:
I'm running out of space and have barely scratched the top layer of actors.
Frantic and silly, this absurd adventure out-Andersons the previous works of Wes Anderson!
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