How do you feel about animals? Do you like dogs? I certainly do! And here we have a dog who has not only earned our love, but our RESPECT! We become acquainted with the Malinois, which is a Belgian version of a German Shepherd, only a bit smaller.
Dogs have had an important role on battlefields since World War I and have been honored for bravery time and time again. There have been over 3,000 war dogs used in Iraq and Afghanistan; at the time of the filming (2014) 26 dogs and 25 handlers have died in Afghanistan.
This wonderful PG-rated movie, written and directed by Boaz Yakin ("Safe") is about a war dog. We first meet him in Afghanistan with his handler, who has trained him from a puppy. The two are inseparable until a betrayal leads them into a fatal encounter, which leaves the handler dead and the dog with a serious case of PTSD. His behavior at his handler's coffin in a small Texas town is goosebumps all the way!
Our cast:
This involving movie has clear-cut characters and situations, so we quickly come to love our hero, his family and his dog; fear and loathe the villains; feel the frustration of being a powerless teenager; and ache to see the truth revealed. The film slipped in under my radar so this was a pleasant surprise, and the screening audience actually applauded. Don't miss this one!
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