Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul (2017) Reviewed By Jay

United States, 10 March 2017


Jay´s Review

Our wimpy kid is back again, he is like an Energizer Bunny, he just won't quit! Oh good grief, this time it's a ROAD TRIP with his family! But this one is really lame! Just look at the trailer.


Director David Bowers (this is his third "Wimpy Kid") creating a script with a group basing their work on the book by Adam Sztykiel and Jeff Kinney, brings us a PG-rated endurance test with our beleaguered kid beset by all the problems that usually beset wimpy kids. The primary cast has been replaced with new actors who give it all they've got ...but...


Part of the brand new cast:


  • * Jason Drucker ("Barely Lethal") in his first (and I hope last) outing as our eponymous hero, Greg has been humiliated by a video clip of his encounter with a dirty diaper that went viral. Yes, folks, this series has sunk this low.
  • * Charlie Wright ("Ingrid Goes West") Brother Rodrick is still petty, selfish and cruel.
  • * Alicia Silverstone ("American Woman") is our boys' mom, Susan. She does her best; is is, after all Mee Maw's 90th birthday. (See the trailer.) The most creative thing about this vacation is that she wants it to be electronics-free. Riiiight....
  • * Tom Everett Scott ("La La Land" plus lots and lots and LOTS of TV) is their dad, Frank. 'Nuff said.
The ending is predictable, but how we get there is where we groan. The children in the screening audience weren't even impressed by the fart jokes or those voracious birds.
It was a subdued screening audience that exited the theater.
The tagline is "A Wimp Will Rise," but like outdated yeast dough, sometimes he just doesn't rise! I am labeling this tiresome one "WSF (Worst So Far) for 2017."

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